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  • cheasmartart

Igor Grubic

During the visit to Tate modern in London, we got to see the work of Igor Grubic. Gubric used footage that was televised from a pride march that happened in Serbia back in 2001. The entrance to the work had a warning sign but I didn’t expect the work to hit me emotionally as much as it did.

I couldn’t stay for long and watchore of the video because of how upsetting it had affected me. The video on the left would show footage from the pride march and the video on the right were a group of damces reacting to the abuse from the pride march.

To me the video on the right came across as if they were reacting to the sounds from the violent march. Their movements were sometimes fluid but then would often become agitated and sometimes aggressive. I was personally more focused on the left hand video, the violence on the screen was very hard to watch. I think this kind of work is very important to show and Grubic achieved this, his continued work with activism is important and comes across very will with his work.

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