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  • cheasmartart

Michaela Eichwald

Michaela Eichwald, Die Unsrigen sind fortgezogen (The Ours Have Moved Away), 2014. Collection Brian Pietsch and Christopher Hermann.

Her work predominantly consists of painting but she often use a sculpture within her work. Bridging obstruction and figuration Eichwald Densely layered paintings often made on unconventional surfaces such as printed canvas or imitation leather – bear an alchemical combination of acrylic, oil tempera, spray paint, mordant, graphite, varnish, and lacquer. Whether in large scale or small scale formats, her works combine smooth paint strokes and quick smudges, at times revealing figurative forms and snippets of text. While Eichwalds works are part of a linage of abstraction, they resist and direct connection to a particular movement or period, instead amalgamating and churning through the history of painterly styles and techniques.

Her work gravited to me due to the sizes she works with. After doing the day exercise on scaling up, I was interested to see how big I could go and how far I could push myself. Looking at Eichwalds work was perfect for that. Her large scales pieces, some sizing up to the size of doors and walls is something I am interesting in trying.

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