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  • cheasmartart

Painting is a s process

Trying to figure out what and where I want to go next is a hard thing to do, I love the idea of painting and want to start doing it again as I missed it very much during my time in the BA course.

I’ve set myself a goal of painting around 20 images, they can of whatever and they have to happen in the moment without much thought, aka I can’t plan before hand. These are some of my favourite pieces so far.

Fisherman’s morning

Fisherman’s morning is an acrylic painting that is on mdf wood, it’s just a little smaller than A4 paper and has a limit of 5 colours. Black green yellow blue and orange. This pieces started by trying to blend yellow and green together across the board to see what kind of affect it would create, as I was doing this I really liked the idea of having smaller sections of yellow to break up the green, rather than have jut split sections of colour. I then picked up the closest colour to me which happened to be black, in then painted the cross like figure on the left side before grabbing a bit of blue to try to create some shadow. Adding the little fisherman in the left hand corner and the Japanese inspired bridge on the opposite side was a fleeting thought. I knew this piece needed something small and simple because of the bold colours and this thought was perfect.

Wax or human

Because I was creating random paintings, I wanted to also experiment with texture and different materials. This piece is plywood with several candles wax to the wood and overtime I would like the wax naturally trip down creating different swirls and patterns. The two coloured wax I originally used were black and purple, but unfortunately the wax didn’t cover the full wooden board so I had to source other candles. However, the candles I had purchased were dripping the same as the previous wax candles were, this meant that I had to mechanically drip the wax myself over the board. This meant that my original idea of seeing how far the wax could colour the Board by itself had failed and the finished piece shows how the wax wouldn’t actually moved by it self and then how the wax and move by me pouring it specific places. I thought the textures that had appeared on the board we are really interesting and intricate but unfortunately due to how time-consuming this piece was I don’t think I would try it again.

Koi lilies

Koi lilies it’s something that I wanted to add more detail to. The process of this painting started by mixing blue and purple together I then added lighter bits of purple creating lilac to break up the dense darkness of the previous colours. As I have always been interested in nature and the Lilly pond paintings by Monet, I wanted to try and create something similar but in my own style. I think that this was a good starting point because of small details it has but with a simplistic twist, however at this point in time I can’t figure out where to go next.

Orange lily

This piece originated because I didn’t want to waste the cardboard it was painted on, I wanted to see what texture I could get when painting over it. One of my favourite flowers is lilies and I wanted to see how the bright white would fit against the splashes of yellow and orange. I don’t think that this was as successful as I wanted it to be, the bubble texture underneath doesn’t make the piece look very pleasant. I think this would be better on a smooth surface.

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