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  • cheasmartart

The factory project

The factory project was an amazing opportunity to gain new insight and gain some much needed inspiration. The piece that caught my eye the most was the large fabric piece, the way the fabric hung from the ceiling beams felt industrial but also very natural. The paint splattered fabric reminded me of painters dust sheets and I thought this fit perfectly with the surroundings, the site was also home to a work site and the gallery building used to be part of it. It felt like the history had began to appear in the fabric. The natural flow of the fabric made a great juxtaposition to that industrial feel. The colours splattered on the fabric felt as though they had been taken from the surrounding area.

I think what I loved the most was the mass size of the piece, having worked with hanging fabric in the previous year, it made me want to go bigger and better.

Jukka Virkkunen created ‘juggernaut’ using Indian ink, spray paint, acrylic paint, debris from the studio floor as well from the streets of London where it had once been installed.

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