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  • cheasmartart

Watercolour increase

Abstraction in water

This piece was something that I wanted to try and don’t usually do, this piece is made from watercolour. I usually work with acrylic rather than watercolour, I wanted to try some,thing different and and see how watercolour differs from acrylic. I set a rule that the same colours weren’t allowed to touch, so for example green couldn’t touch a lighter green and yellow couldn’t touch a darker tone.

When I first did this piece I didn’t care much for it and I wasn’t fully invested or interested, I wanted to throw it aside and do some,thing completely different. However, after speaking with a tutor I changed my mind. He was fully invested in the piece and said how interesting and intercut the piece was. He gave some great feedback and listed several artists for me to take a look at. It was great hearing such positive feedback especially on something I wasn’t invested in and didn’t think was successful.

I see blue

From the feedback I had been given I wanted to try doing the piece again but in a bigger way and using acrylic paint, the medium I’m more than used to. After creating this piece and getting feedback from my peers it occurred to me that this is something I need to progress with, I need to continue with my research and go experiment more. One piece of feedback from someone stuck with me, she mentioned that her eyes are drawn to the blue the most out of all the colours and that having the blue is 3 small areas really ties the piece together as it gets the viewer to see the whole piece in a different way. This is something I want to progress with and create further work.

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